
The EIB has developed a €230 million program for the “green” reconstruction of destroyed buildings in Ukraine.

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has introduced a program for energy-efficient restoration of multi-apartment buildings destroyed by war. Oksana Remiga, a representative of the EIB, noted that the program is fully ready for launch with a budget of €230 million, of which €30 million is allocated for the pilot phase. The main focus is on the comprehensive restoration of entire buildings to increase their energy efficiency.

According to Remiga, a grant agreement with Germany for €3 million has already been concluded within the framework of the project. Experts are ready to start developing technical documentation, but this will be done in parallel with the completion of all necessary procedures by the Ukrainian side.

Municipalities will be the beneficiaries of the program. At the pilot stage, the bank has already formed a shortlist to expedite procedures. Subsequently, competitive procedures for communities and projects are planned.

However, Remiga noted that the most affected municipalities, which are particularly in need of restoration, cannot obtain loans. Money for such projects for them can only be provided in the form of grants. This aspect is planned to be legislatively established soon.

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